- LINS, C.; A., LIMA; GUIMARÃES, L. do N.; LINS, E. M.; GALINDO, K. B. T.; AMORIM, S. F. Analysis of Time Evolution of Horizontal Stress and Soil Collapse during Chemical Dissolution. The Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, v. 21, p. 655-666, 2016.
- LINS, C. M. M. S.; SILVA, N. V. S.; GUIMARÃES, L. do N.; AMORIM, A. F. L.; GOMES, I. F. Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Horizontal Stress Changes and Soil Collapse during Chemical Dissolution in a Modified Oedometer Cell. Soils & Rocks, 2015.
- SANTOS, R. F. V. C.; MIRANDA, T. S.; BARBOSA, J.A.; GOMES, I. F.; MATOS, G ; GALE, J; NEUMANN, Virgínio Henrique de Miranda Lopes; GUIMARÃES, L. do N. Characterization Of Natural Fractures Systems: Analysis Of Uncertainty Effects In Linear Scanline Results. AAPG Bulletin (Print), 2015.
- M.D. Jackson; G.J. Hampson; D. Rood; S. Geiger; Z. Zhang; M.C. Sousa; R. Amorim; E. Vital Brazil; F. F. Samavati; GUIMARÃES, L. do N. Rapid Reservoir Modelling: Prototyping with an Intuitive, Sketch-Based Interface. Journal of Petroleum Technology, v. 67, p. 81-81, 2015.
- Pereira, L.C.; GUIMARÃES, L. do N.; Horowitz, B.; Sánchez, M. Coupled hydro-mechanical fault reactivation analysis incorporating evidence theory for uncertainty quantification. Computers and Geotechnics, v. 56, p. 202-215, 2014.
- SÁNCHEZ, M.; Manzoli, O.L.; GUIMARÃES, L. do N. Modeling 3-D desiccation soil crack networks using a mesh fragmentation technique. Computers and Geotechnics, v. 62, p. 27-39, 2014.
- GUIMARÃES, L. do N.; A. Gens; SÁNCHEZ, M.; OLIVELLA, Sebastià. A chemo-mechanical constitutive model accounting for cation exchange in expansive clays. Geotechnique, v. 63, p. 221-234, 2013.
- FERREIRA, S. R. M.; COSTA, L. M.; GUIMARÃES, L. do N.; PONTES FILHO, I. D. S. Volume Change Behavior due to Water Content Variation in an Expansive Soil from the Semiarid Region of Pernambuco - Brazil. Soils & Rocks, v. 36, p. 183-193, 2013.
- MIRANDA, T. S.; BARBOSA, J.A.; GOMES, I. F.; SANTOS, R. F. V. C.; NEUMANN, Virgínio Henrique de Miranda Lopes; MATOS, G.; GUIMARÃES, L. do N.; FLORENCIO, R. Q.; ALENCAR, M. Aplicação da Técnica da Scanline à Modelagem Geológica/Geomecânica de Sistemas de Fraturamento nos Depósitos Carbonáticos e Evaporíticos da Bacia do Araripe, NE do Brasil. Boletim de Geociências da PETROBRAS (Impresso), v. 20, p. 305-326, 2013.
- SÁNCHEZ, M.; GENS, A.; Guimarães, L. Thermal-hydraulic-mechanical (THM) behaviour of a large-scale in situ heating experiment during cooling and dismantling. Canadian Geotechnical Journal (Online), v. 49, p. 1169-1195, 2012.
- HOROWITZ, Bernardo; GUIMARÃES, L. do N.; Dantas, Vinicius; Afonso, Silvana Maria Bastos. A concurrent efficient global optimization algorithm applied to polymer injection strategies. Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering, v. 71, p. 1-10, 2010.
- A. Gens; GUIMARÃES, L. do N.; OLIVELLA, S; SÁNCHEZ, M. Modelling thermo-hydro-mechano-chemical interactions for nuclear waste disposal. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, v. 2, p. 97-102, 2010.
- ZOUAIN, Nestor; PONTES FILHO, I. D. S.; Vaunat, Jean. Potentials for the modified Cam-Clay model. European Journal of Mechanics. A, Solids, v. 29, p. 327-336, 2010.
- GENS, A.; SÁNCHEZ, M.; GUIMARÃES, L. do N.; ALONSO, Eduardo; Antonio Lloret; OLIVELLA, Sebastià; VILLAR, María Victoria; HUERTAS, F. A full scale in situ heating test for high level nuclear waste disposal. Observations, analysis and interpretation. Geotechnique, v. 59, p. 377-399, 2009.
- DUDA, Fernando Pereira; SOUZA, Ângela; BARBOSA, José Maria; GUIMARÃES, L. do N. A one-dimensional theory of solute diffusion and degradation in elastic solids. Journal of Elasticity, v. 97, p. 15-30, 2009.
- Pereira, L. C.; Falcão, F. de O. L.; GUIMARÃES, L. do N.; Jacob, B. P. Sensitivity Study of Geomechanical Effects on Reservoir Simulation. International journal of modeling and simulation for the petroleum industry, v. 3, p. 57-63, 2009.
- COSTA, L. M.; Alonso, E. E. Predicting the Behaviour of an Earth and Rockfill Dam Under Construction. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, v. 135, p. 851-862, 2009.
- COSTA, Lícia Mouta da; PONTES FILHO, Ivaldo Dário da Silva; GUIMARÃES, L. do N.; FERREIRA, Sílvio Romero de Melo. Numerical Modelling of Hydro-Mechanical Behaviour of Collapsible Soils. Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, v. 24, p. 1839-1852, 2008.
- GUIMARÃES, L. do N.; SANCHEZ, M; GENS, A; OLIVELLA, S. Implementation algorithm of a generalised plasticity model for swelling clays. Computers and Geotechnics, v. 35, p. 860-871, 2008.
- GUIMARÃES, L. do N.; GENS, A.; OLIVELLA, Sebastià. Coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical and Chemical Analysis of Expansive Clay Subjected to Heating and Hydration. Transport in Porous Media, v. 66, p. 341-372, 2007.
- ZOAUIN, Nestor; PONTES FILHO, Ivaldo Dario da Silva; BORGES, Lavínia Alves; COSTA, L. M. Plastic Collapse in non-associated hardening materials with application to Cam-Clay. International Journal of Solids and Structures, v. 44, p. 4382-4398, 2007.
- GUIMARÃES, L. do N.; GENS, A.; SÁNCHEZ, M.; OLIVELLA, Sebastià. THM and Reactive Transport Analysis of Expansive Clay Barrier in Radioactive Waste Isolation. Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, v. 22, p. 849-859, 2006.
- SÁNCHEZ, M.; GENS, A.; GUIMARÃES, L. do N.; OLIVELLA, Sebastià. A Double Structure Generalized Plasticity Model for Expansive Materials. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, v. 29, p. 751-787, 2005.
- MATA, Clemente; GUIMARÃES, L. do N.; LEDESMA, Alberto; GENS, A.; OLIVELLA, Sebastià. A Hydro-Geochemical Analysis of the Saturation Process with Salt Water of a Bentonite Crushed Granitic Rock Mixture in an Engineered Nuclear Barrier. Engineering Geology, v. 81, n.3, p. 227-245, 2005.
- GENS, A.; GUIMARÃES, L. do N.; OLIVELLA, Sebastià. THMC coupling in partially saturated geomaterials. Revue Européenne de Génie Civil, Paris, v. 9, n.5-6, p. 747-765, 2005.
- SOUSA, Roubier Muniz de; GUIMARÃES, L. do N.; PONTES FILHO, Ivaldo Dário da Silva. Modelagem da Perfuração de Poços em Rochas Frágeis. IG. Série B, Estudos e Pesquisas, Recife, v. 13, p. 54-70, 2004.
- MORAIS, Maria Helena; VASCONCELOS, Ramon; COSTA, Lícia Mouta da; GUIMARÃES, L. do N. Análise Paramétrica da Permeabilidade e da Viscosidade em Simulação de Fluxo em Reservatórios. IG. Série B, Estudos e Pesquisas, v. 13, p. 46-53, 2004.
- GENS, A.; GUIMARÃES, L. do N.; GARCIAMOLINA, A. J.; ALONSO, E. E. Factors Controlling Rock-Clay Buffer Interaction in a Radioactive Waste Repository. Engineering Geology, v. 64, p. 297-308, 2002.